I have an amazing neighbor named Aaron. Aside from always being friendly and cheerful, he brings me fruit at least twice a week. Ok, so this last part might sound strange to some people (like my husband) but I love it. Aaron spends most of his time helping the elderly - visiting with them, helping with house hold chores, cleaning up the garden. Thankful for his help, they are happy to let him pick a few lemons or snip some rosemary from their yard to take home with him. I have a feeling that they probably have more lemons and rosemary than they know what do with. And Aaron always stop by to bring me a little something or leaves it on my door step. It's always I nice surprise. Well, this week he stopped by with a green fruit he calls a Kiwi-Pineapple. I have a feeling that is not it's official name, but it is a very accurate description of the taste. They are DELICIOUS! I can't get enough of them. I told him so when I ran into them yesterday and he stopped by this morning with more. This time I remembered to snap a picture before I ate them all.
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